Customer contact:
Online operating Hours: 7h - 20h
Phone SMS: +420 603 784 678
IDN Company: 76516725
Adress: Street Čs.armády 100/5. City Mor.Třebová.Post code 57101.Czech Republik.
Company team: L.Durák , T.Horký orders,M.Horká accounting sections.
Foto in shop :
The shop was opened in 2010.In 2012 the shop was enlarged and the possibility for customers to test the rubber and blades directly at the shop.There was no table tennis shop in our region and therefore customers from all cities in our region drove to us.An online store was launched in 2014. The online store moved to a different address in 2015 and was operated by more people.Currently, the shop and online store are operated by a family company.