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0.0 €
Carriage possibility
Payment possibility
 Delivery description

Home delivery via local courier company.

Cheaper shipping only for selected countries: Germany,Poland,Hungaria,Bulgaria,Romania,Slovakia

Delivery time 3-5 working days


8.0 €
 Delivery description

Delivery of the shipment to the delivery points of the company

Attention, the customer must write us the  name or number code of the delivery point!

Delivery time 2-5 working days. Only country Romania,Slovakia,Hungaria.

6.5 €
 Delivery description

Classic transport through a Post office company.

Max weight 0,500kg.

Delivery time is different in each country 5-9days.

8.8 €
 Delivery description

Deliveri outside the European Union.Max weight 0,500kg.

Delivery time 6-15working days.

Deliveri to USA, UK,Israel,Lathuania,Australia,Asia...

11.5 €
 Delivery description

Delivery time 3-5days. Home delivery via local courier

Quality service. the driver usually calls before delivery.

All european union.

10.7 €
0 €
Credit cards
 Payment description

Secure International Payment Gateway .This payment gateway only accepts cards issued for EU/EHA Countries.

The 1.5% card payment fee is for the payment gateway and card issuer.

+0.9 %
 Payment description

An easy way to pay by card. When using it, you do not need to fill in your payment card details.

+0.9 %
You can pay with a classic euro bank transfer or via credit card.In the European Union, most banks have fee-free money transfers.